Rotation of wheels
Rotation of wheels has to be made regularly according to the schedule of routine maintenance of the car, and also at identification of signs of uneven wear of protectors. At rotation the car has to be lifted above the ground – take an opportunity and check also a condition of components of the brake system (see the Section Check of the Brake System).
1. It is recommended to make rotation of the wheels equipped with radial tires, according to the offered scheme (address an accompanying illustration). The majority of models are completed with tires with the directed protector, it is easy to distinguish the directed tires on existence on a sidewall of the arrow specifying the right direction of rotation of a wheel. Two tires with the right direction of rotation and two – with left have to be included in the package. Wheels with such tires should be rearranged only between axes, leaving them on one party of the car. |
2. The detailed description of the procedure of change of wheels is stated in Poddomkrachivaniye's Section and towage. Track reliability of fixing of the car in the lifted situation. 3. It will be most correct to lift above the ground all car, use the winch, or the car and install to a poddomkratta it on props (by no means inadmissibly use for fixing of the car in the lifted situation less than four props!). 4. Upon completion of rotation check pressure of a rating of tires, correct it according to standard requirements. Make sure that wheel are tightened by nuts with the required effort. |
More detailed information on wheels and tires is stated in the Head Podvesk and steering of the present manual.